Human offspring of obese mothers suffer higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes due to insufficient islet insulin secretion. Preclinical maternal obesity models demonstrated the sex-differences in offspring islet function, but the mechanistic targets are unknown. We found that a higher islet Regenerating Islet Derived Protein 3-Gamma (Reg3g) is associated with the maintenance of islet function in female offspring of obese dams. Reg3g binds to EXTL3 glycosyltransferase that polymerizes heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycan (HSG). To date, the role of Reg3g mediated HSG polymerization in modulating β-cell health in offspring of obese mice is unclear. We hypothesize that the upregulation of Reg3g-mediated HSG polymerization protects offspring of obese mice from glucose intolerance and islet dysfunction. We evaluated islet GSIS, islet Reg3g gene/protein, and pancreatic HSG with SAX-HPLC in offspring born to chow-fed mice (Con) and diet-induced obese mice (MatOb) on postnatal day 21 (P21). To define the causality of Reg3g, wildtype (WT) and heterozygous Reg3g mutant (Reg3g+/-) offspring of Con and MatOb were generated. Lastly, we tested the therapeutic effect of intraperitoneal recombinant Reg3g (rReg) and heparan sulfate analogue (HS) from P14-20 in male MatOb pups. Compared to same-sex controls, P21 female MatOb pups had higher islet Reg3g gene/protein* (n=3-6), higher islet (n=3/3) and pancreatic (n=6/6) HSG*, and unchanged GSIS. Male MatOb pups had unchanged islet Reg3g and a lower pancreatic HSG* (n=8/8). Male MatOb pups also had a lower glucose tolerance* (n=9-19) and 30% decrease in GSIS* (n=5/5). The sex-difference in glucose tolerance was ablated in Reg3g+/- mice, where female MatOb Reg3g+/- pups had significantly impaired GTT. Lastly, rReg3g or HS improved glucose tolerance in male MatOb pups* (n=3-7). *p<0.05.

In conclusion, our findings supported the role of Reg3g as an amenable mechanistic target mediating islet dysfunction in MatOb offspring.


J. C. Jarrell: None. J. Casasnovas: Employee; Self; Thermo Fisher Scientific. L. Kua: Stock/Shareholder; Spouse/Partner; Dexcom, Inc., Thermo Fisher Scientific.


Riley Children’s Foundation (to L.K.); Showalter Research Trust (EPAR1143 to L.K.); Center for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases (P30DK097512)

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