Background: It is well established that diabetes serves as a risk factor for morbidity and mortality of Influenza infections in the US. The AAP recommends Influenza vaccinations in all children over 6 months of age with a noted emphasis on ensuring that children in high risk groups are vaccinated. We sought to better understand patient and family attitudes towards Influenza vaccination in our diabetes clinic as the first step in trying to improve vaccination rates in our clinics.

Methods: 64 patients, ages 2 to 20 years, of a NYC diabetes clinics were surveyed between 12/2019 and 3/2020. If responses indicated they had refused a vaccine, patients were asked why they had refused. Regardless of their vaccination status, all patients were asked if they would obtain vaccination if one were available at their diabetes clinic appointment.

Results: Overall, 57% of our patients responded that they had received an influenza vaccine in the 2019-2020 season. Further, 13% of patients indicated that they would be receiving a vaccination while 27% of them responded that they did not wish to receive a vaccination. When viewed by age, the 10-15 year old age group had the highest vaccination rate at 70%. While attitudes varied from family to family, the most the most common reasons for refusal included patient preference (31%), disbelief in efficacy (21%), concerns for side effects of vaccination (21%) and ’too busy’ (10.5%). 70% of all patients surveyed expressed that if a vaccination was offered in their diabetes clinic, they would be interested in receiving it.

Conclusions: Focus should be placed on educating our youngest and oldest patients with diabetes to obtain an annual Influenza vaccine. Understanding the most common hesitations among our patients will allow us to improve communication about the vaccine and access to care.


J. Apsan: None. E. Coppedge: None. Z. Antal: None.

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