Visual Abstract

Objective: To investigate the efficacy of three different 8h time-restricted eating (TRE) schedules (i.e., early, late, and self-selected) over 4 weeks on body weight and waist/hip circumferences in adults with overweight/obesity from southern Spain.

Methods: A total of 22 adults with a baseline eating window ≥12h (13 women; 48 ± 10 years old; BMI: 32.7 ± 5.8 kg/m2) were randomly assigned to early (first meal within the first 2h after waking up), late (first meal 5-7h after waking up) or a self-selected (selecting the 8h eating window each day) TRE groups.

Results: Body weight change was -1.7 ± 2.1kg (P=0.078), -0.8 ± 2.2kg (P=0.386), and -1.0 ± 0.9kg (P=0.020) for the early, late, and self-selected TRE groups. Changes in body weight and waist/hip circumferences did not differ across TRE groups (all P≥0.197; Figure 1).

Conclusions: These results suggest that early, late, and self-selected TRE produce similar changes in body weight and waist/hip circumferences over 4 weeks in adults with overweight/obesity. Future, bigger, and longer studies are needed to confirm these findings.

Figure 1. Changes in body weight and waist/hip circumferences across early (dark), late (gray), and self-selected (light) TRE groups. F statistic, P values and partial eta squared are from ANCOVAs adjusting for baseline values. M, males; F, females


M. Dote montero: None. J. R. Ruiz: None. R. Sevilla-lorente: None. E. Merchan-ramirez: None. J. Nuñez-lopez: None. S. Mochón-benguigui: None. F. Amaro-gahete: None. F. Acosta: None. G. Sanchez-delgado: None. I. Labayen: None.


Spanish Ministry of Universities (FPU18/03357)

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