Managing patients with T1DM who fast Ramadan is challenging. The COVID-19 related strict imposed curfew in Saudi Arabia affected access to healthcare and made virtual education (VD) a necessity.

Objective: To assess the impact of VD on glycemic control and self-management in T1DM during Ramadan fasting.

Methods: Pre-post Ramadan survey at endocrine clinics of National Guards Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Patients were contacted by phone due to COVID 19 restrictions. The VD methods (video + booklet) were sent to patients via WhatsApp. HbA1c was measured before and after Ramadan.

Results: 89 patients enrolled: 51.2% males, DM duration 13.8 ±7.7 years, age 24.4 ±8.1 years. > 90% stated that VD used was well done/acceptable, and 57% confirmed using it as reference. During Ramadan 88% complied with frequent SMBG, 72.6% reported breaking the fast at the recommended threshold of <70mg/dl, but only 22.6% broke fasting if >300 mg/dL. 61% followed the recommended insulin adjustments to basal and sahoor doses, and to adjustment of meal timings (delay of sahoor), and fluid intake. 43% complied with eating proteins at sahoor. Baseline HbA1c 8.46 ±1.85 and decreased to 8.32 ±1.47 after the intervention process (P=0.004).

Conclusion: Diabetes virtual education was well received and improved glycemic control and self-care among patients with T1DM during Ramadan fasting.


G. S. Khogeer: None. R. Alamoudi: None. M. N. Alotibi: None.

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