Project ECHO is a collaborative model of medical education that engages clinicians in a continuous learning system via real-time, interactive videoconferencing. During TeleECHO sessions, expert specialist teams at an academic ‘hub’ are linked with care teams in local communities throughout the world. Each session is case-based, with learners and faculty presenting their patient experiences in a HIPAA compliant manner, promoting collaboration and competence building. As an official ECHO hub, MLG recently completed a large-scale, TeleECHO series on treating to guidelines and managing cardiovascular and renal risk in patients with T2DM, consisting of 47 sessions that reached 1976 healthcare professionals. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, these sessions provided a unique way to facilitate a case-based dialogue among community-based practitioners and a national expert, sharing best practices that to apply to the care of individual patients. MLG recorded each session and used the most informative cases to create an enduring activity that is available for one year online. To further support the translation of education into practice and encourage HCP-patient dialogue, MLG also provided learners access to an online Personalized Poster Portal. Learners could choose a variety of images and design a poster that was shipped to their practice setting. There have been 613 poster orders thus far. The outcomes that MLG has collected regarding this unique program and its point-of-care tools indicate how CME can lead to not only improved knowledge but can also translate to practice behavior. While learners demonstrated significant gains across learning objectives, baseline knowledge of the latest data on the use of GLP-1 receptor agonists and SGLT2inhibitors to reduce cardiovascular events demonstrated a need for such education. MLG proposes to partner with Project ECHO to share these results via a poster at the ADA Scientific Sessions.


R. Allen: None. L. K. Welch: None.

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