Introduction: Emerging adults (EAs) with T1D may be disproportionately affected by COVID-19 related disruptions given the many transitions that occur during this developmental period. The current study examined self-reported challenges in daily routines and T1D care in a sample of EAs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Method: Participants included 22 EAs with T1D (M age=21.6±1.1 yrs; 45.4% male; 40.9% non-Hispanic white; 86.4% enrolled in higher education; 77.3% employed; M A1c=7.8%±1.2%). EAs completed surveys about exposure/personal impact of COVID-19 (n=13), a structured interview (n=2), or both (n=7) during the first 9 months of the COVID-19 pandemic (3/2020 - 11/2020).

Results: Most EAs (86.4%) denied COVID-19 symptoms, diagnoses, or hospitalizations in themselves or close contacts; 3 EAs (13.6%) reported COVID-19 diagnoses in family members, with one reported death of a family member. Fifty-five percent of EAs reported strictly social distancing. On the survey, 85% of EAs reported significant disruptions due to COVID-19, including job loss/reduction in hours (45%), education changes (45%), and moving (40%). T1D impact varied, with 50% reporting easier management of T1D; 30% reporting less exercise/worse diet; 30% reporting sleep problems; and 40% reporting more health anxiety. For EAs with more than one instance of survey completion (n=9), diabetes-specific impact worsened over time (t(8)=-2.20, p=.06; Cohen’s d = -.72). Interview data (n=9) supported quantitative results, with themes related to the impact of COVID-19 on daily routines for T1D management and delayed transition to adult T1D care.

Discussion: EAs with T1D experienced many COVID-related changes and increasing negative impact on T1D self-care over time. EAs may be particularly vulnerable to the widespread impacts of COVID-19 on employment, education, and receipt of medical care. Future research should examine longitudinal responses to the COVID-19 pandemic to identify EAs who may need additional support or resources for T1D care.


M. Monaghan: None. B. Bryant: None. C. H. Wang: None.


American Diabetes Association/Pathway to Stop Diabetes (1-18-ACE-27 to M.M.)

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