Aim: To assess health care professionals’ (HCP) perceptions of feasibility, acceptability, and impacts of a new digital patient-reported outcome (PRO) dialogue tool in routine diabetes care.

Methods: A single-arm implementation study (MPRODIA) evaluating use of a PRO tool by 33 HCP in routine multi-sector diabetes care. Intervention: Persons with diabetes (PWD) filled out a digital questionnaire about health, well-being and self-care 1-8 days prior to the visit and their HCP used a PRO dialogue dashboard in the visit to facilitate a collaborative, person-centered dialogue. Primary outcome in this sub study was HCP responses to a clinical end-of-study Likert-Scale and Free-Text evaluation survey. Quantitative and explanatory qualitative data analyses were done with SPSS 25.0/Nvivo 12.

Results: 33 HCP at 7 unique sites used PRO in 474 diabetes visits and completed the end-of-study survey. 80% were diabetes specialized, 67% saw>10 PWD/week, 33% had <10 years of care experience. HCP confidence in use of PRO improved in pre-post analysis (3,8 (SD=.9) to 4,4 (SD=.7), range 1-5, p<0.05). 97% were confident in their ability to use PRO well (interpret and use PRO insights). 52% became more positive (3% more negative) towards the PRO tool overall over time. 85% reported improved work satisfaction (due to better preparation and dialogue), 0% worse satisfaction. 33% felt visits were less stressful, 21% felt it was somewhat more stressful with PRO (due to time constraints). All HCP indicated the desire to continue PRO use (9,0(SD=1,2), range 1-10) and recommend it to others (9,0(SD=1,4), range 1-10). 64% found it essential that HCP are trained in use of PRO prior to implementation.

Conclusions: HCP in both municipality and hospital settings found a new digital PRO diabetes tool to be highly acceptable and value-adding by improving the active participation of PWD and the delivery of quality person-centered care.


S. E. Skovlund: None. D. M. Hessler: Consultant; Self; Eli Lilly and Company. S. H. Kaplan: None. N. Ejskjaer: None. C. Glümer: None. S. H. Nielsen: None. D. B. Berthelsen: None. H. Perrild: n/a. N. C. Balk-møller: None. L. Nørgaard: None. L. Troelsen: None. A. Pietraszek: None.


Danish Health Data Authority

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