Visual Abstract

The Onduo Virtual Diabetes Clinic (VDC) for people with T2D combines a mobile app, remote personalized lifestyle coaching, connected devices and video consultations with endocrinologists for medication management and prescription of real-time CGM for intermittent use. A recent prospective single-arm trial reported a reduction in A1c of 1.6%±1.0 (p<0.001), from 8.9%±1.0 to 7.3%±0.9, and a significant improvement in CGM-derived glycemic metrics at 4-mo in adults with suboptimally controlled T2D (n=55) who participated in the VDC. The present analysis examined A1c at 1-yr after an additional 7-mo follow-up period of self-management without active VDC intervention. Of the 4-mo active phase study cohort, 94.5% (n=52) provided a A1c measurement at 1-yr. Participants were age 57.9±11.3 yr, 40.4% female with baseline A1c 8.9%±0.9. Change in A1c is presented in the Table for baseline, 4-mo and 1-yr time points. The significant reduction in A1c observed after the 4-mo active intervention was maintained at 1-yr. No significant changes were observed between 4-mo and 1-yr.

In conclusion, these data suggest that short-term participation in the VDC program by adults with suboptimally controlled T2D resulted in an improvement in A1c at 1-yr lasting beyond the active phase of VDC participation. This durable improvement may be associated with optimized medication regimens and behavior change.


A. R. Majithia: Consultant; Self; Onduo LLC., Speaker's Bureau; Self; Pfizer Inc. H. Zisser: Employee; Self; Verily Life Sciences, Stock/Shareholder; Self; Verily Life Sciences. C. Kusiak: Employee; Self; Verily Life Sciences. A. Armento lee: Employee; Self; Verily Life Sciences. F. R. Colangelo: None. R. Romanelli: None. S. Robertson: None. D. M. Erani: None. J. E. Layne: Employee; Self; Onduo LLC. R. F. Dixon: None.

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