Visual Abstract

Use of real-time CGM (rtCGM) improves glycemic outcomes in type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients treated with intensive insulin therapy. However, rtCGM use in T2D patients treated with less intensive therapies has not been well studied. This investigator initiated, 6-month, prospective, interventional, single-arm study assessed the effects of rtCGM use in T2D patients treated with basal insulin only or non-insulin. Clinic visits occurred at baseline and every 3 months per usual care. Baseline blood glucose testing frequency was <3 times/day. The primary outcomes were changes in A1C and percent of time in range (%TIR), above range (%TAR) and below range (%TBR). Interim analysis assessed outcomes in 38 patients with data available at 3 months: 10.2±1.9% A1C, 54.3±11.5 years, and 35.6±6.2 BMI. Significant improvements in mean A1C and CGM metrics were seen at 3 months within the full cohort with an increase in %TIR and %TAR (Table 1) but no increase in %TBR targets (<70 mg/dL [<4%), <54 mg/dL [<1%]). The greatest improvements were seen in patients treated with 1 medication (including basal insulin). rtCGM use was associated with significant glycemic improvements in T2D patients treated with basal insulin only or non-insulin therapy. Expanding insurance coverage to T2D patients treated with less-intensive therapy may help improve glycemic control within the broader diabetes population.


T. Grace: Consultant; Self; Novo Nordisk, Speaker's Bureau; Self; Dexcom, Inc., Lilly Diabetes, Sanofi US. J. Salyer: None.

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