We sought to determine if an online continuing medical education (CME) activity could improve knowledge and competence of diabetologists/endocrinologists (D/Es) and primary care physicians (PCPs) related to clinical use of rtCGM. The effect of an online, 15-minute, CME-certified summary of a satellite symposium was analyzed to determine efficacy. A repeated pairs pre-/post-assessment study design was used and chi-squared test (5% significance level, P <.05) assessed educational effect. Cramer's V was used to calculate the effect size (0.06-0.15 is a noticeable effect, 0.16-0.26 considerable, and >0.26 extensive). The activity posted June 22, 2020, and data were collected through October 14, 2020. Matched learner data indicate that overall, 19% of D/E learners' (N=234) and 26% of PCP learners' (N=241) responses improved from pre-to-post (both P<.001) with a considerable effect size of 0.164 and 0.205, respectively On a question-level: 15% of D/Es and 17% of PCPs improved at recognizing recent clinical trial data on the use of rtCGM in pregnant patients with T1D 24% of D/Es and 34% of PCPs improved at identifying appropriate TIR levels in patients with gestational diabetes Overall, 33% of D/Es and 46% of PCPs reported increased confidence in interpreting glucometric data from CGM device, for a total confidence shift of +11.4% and +23.3, respectively. Continued educational gaps: • 29% of both D/Es and PCPs did not recognize data on the use of rtCGM in pregnant T1D patients • 41% of D/Es and 49% of PCPs did not recognize appropriate TIR levels in gestational diabetes This study demonstrates the success of an online summary from a satellite symposium on improving knowledge and confidence of clinical use of rtCGM, with gaps identified for future education.


A. Larkin: None. J. Schrand: None. A. Le: None.


Dexcom, Inc.

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