Visual Abstract

Background: This study presents real-world effectiveness of sema OW in a cohort of US commercially insured/Medicare Advantage T2D patients newly initiating a GLP-1 agonist.

Methods: Claims and lab result data were used to identify T2D patients who initiated sema OW between 12/1/17 - 6/30/20 (index as first claim). Selected patients had ≥1 A1c result within ≤3 months pre- and ≥3 months post-index. Patients with no claim for any GLP-1 agonist in the 12 months prior to index and persistent on sema OW (those with a sema OW prescription with days supply dispensed overlapping/in proximity of date of post-index A1c) were assessed for A1c changes and stratified by age (</≥ 65 years) and those with pre-index A1c >9%.

Results: Of 1,842 patients newly initiating sema OW, 49% were female and 8% were ≥ 65 years of age. The pre/post change in A1c was significant in all patients (-1.3%) and in each age subgroup (<65 years = -1.3%; ≥ 65 years = -1.2%; all p<0.001, Figure 1). Significant A1c reductions of ≥ 2.2% were observed in all patients with pre-index A1c >9%, regardless of age. Attainment of A1c <7% and <8% increased from 20% to 56% and from 46% pre-to 80% post-index for all patients, respectively (both p<0.001).

Conclusion: nitiation of sema OW in T2D patients naïve to GLP-1 agonists and persistent on sema OW was associated with a significant reduction in A1c and an increase in target attainment of A1c <7% and <8% across all age groups.


N. Shivappa: Other Relationship; Self; Novo Nordisk. C. Swift: Employee; Self; Novo Nordisk Inc. J. Noone: Employee; Self; Novo Nordisk Inc. S. Du: None. Y. M. Paprocki: Employee; Self; Novo Nordisk, Stock/Shareholder; Self; Novo Nordisk. H. Tan: Other Relationship; Self; HealthCore. V. Willey: Employee; Self; HealthCore.

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