Previous research has demonstrated significantly improved glycemic outcomes in people with type 1 diabetes (PWT1D) and type 2 diabetes (PWT2D) who initiated use of Control-IQ technology by updating their existing pump software. This study examined glycemic outcomes by prior therapy (excluding software updaters) for PWT1D and PWT2D after they onboarded to Control-IQ technology. We performed retrospective analyses involving PWT1D and PWT2D from the US who purchased a new Tandem pump with Control-IQ technology and uploaded their pump data to t:connect® web application from Tandem Diabetes Care as of December 7, 2020. In all, 29,732 participants (94% T1D, 6% T2D) were included in the analysis. Median age of the sample was 40 years and majority had been using an insulin pump as prior therapy (66%) while 34% were transitioning from MDIs. After receiving their Tandem pump, prior pump users started using Control-IQ technology earlier (median days: T1D=16, T2D=16) than prior MDI users (T1D=21 days, T2D=23 days), mainly reflecting additional training provided to prior MDIs to onboard successfully to the new system. After 180 days of starting Control-IQ technology, for prior pump users with T1D, TIR was 74% (median, IQR 65-81%) and time below <70mg/dl (TBR) was 1.2% (IQR 0.6-2.1%). For prior pump users with T2D, TIR was 76% (IQR 69-82%) and TBR was 0.5% (IQR 0.2-1.0%). For participants transitioning from MDI, Control-IQ technology resulted in TIR of 74% (IQR 64-83%) and 0.9% TBR (IQR 0.4-1.7%) for PWT1D and 74% TIR (IQR 63-84%) and 0.3% TBR (IQR 0.1-0.6%) for PWT2D. Irrespective of prior therapy, PWT1D changed their pump settings (e.g., basal rates, carbohydrate ratio) more frequently (median: 3) vs. PWT2D (median: 2). Using Control-IQ technology, both PWT1D and PWT2D (irrespective of prior therapy) achieved very similar TIR outcomes. However, T2D users showed lower rates of hypoglycemia (TBR) vs. their T1D counterparts.


J. W. Morberg: Employee; Self; Tandem Diabetes Care. H. Singh: Employee; Self; Tandem Diabetes Care. M. Mcelwee-malloy: Employee; Self; Tandem Diabetes Care. S. Habif: Employee; Self; Tandem Diabetes Care. A. Constantin: Employee; Self; Tandem Diabetes Care.

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