Diabetes burden is greater in low- middle-income countries, where large gaps exist in achieving diabetes care goals. We examined a quality initiative multicomponent integrated care (MIC) program (DIABEMPIC, DIABetes EMPowerment and Improvement of Care) on diabetes care goals in adults with type 2 diabetes (T2D) implemented in a public primary care specialized diabetes clinic in Mexico City/Iztapalapa. DIABEMPIC is a 5-month empowerment-based program that includes an interdisciplinary case management team, diabetes self-management education, shared medical appointments, a patient-centered approach, and audit and feedback. At the end of the program patients continue routine care in public primary care units. We report the effect of the intervention on diabetes care goals at the end of the program and 18 months after the initial recruitment (long-term evaluation). Results: 704 patients with T2D completed the program, and 182 already have a long-term evaluation. The mean (SD) age of this subgroup was 57 (10.9) years, 67% female, 61% had elementary or less education, 68% had medium-low or lower socioeconomic status, mean diabetes duration was 13 (8) years, and mean A1c was 9.5% (2.2). After the program (n=182) systolic and diastolic blood pressure (-11, -4 mmHg respectively), A1c (-2.6%), and non-HDL cholesterol (-29 mg/dl) decreased significantly (p<0.0001). Clinical benefits persisted in long-term evaluation in systolic and diastolic blood pressure (-9, -3 mmHg respectively, p<0.0001), A1c (-1.4%, p<0.0001), and non-HDL cholesterol (-11 mg/dl, p=0.018). Conclusions: This quality-of-care initiative had valuable short and long-term effects on diabetes care goals in a real-world setting. The long-term impact is smaller than the impact observed at the end of the intervention. This work suggests further replication of the intervention and enhances the need to improve routine follow-up in primary health units after the participation in MIC programs.


R. Silva-tinoco: None. A. Gallardo-hernández: None. J. Ochoa-moreno: None. V. Delatorre-saldaña: None. T. Cuatecontzi-xochitiotzi: None. A. Gonzalez-cantu: None. C. Castillo-galindo: None. B. Pimentel-hernández: None. M. Romero-ibarguengoitia: None. A. Núñez-rodríguez: None. F. Orozco-gutiérrez: None.

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