We sought to measure the impact of aligned, online education for clinicians and patients on knowledge and real-life changes. For clinicians, a live-streamed virtual symposium was held as part of the Metabolic and Endocrine Disease Summit (MEDS) Fall meeting in October 2021. Pre/post questions assessed changes in knowledge and practice. For patients, an online activity was comprised of text, integrated visuals, and a clinician commentary. Demographic questions were asked prior to the education. A pre/post knowledge question assessed learning gains. Intent to change and confidence questions were asked at the end. Absolute improvements were calculated for pre/post questions. The patient activity launched in June and data collected through November. Clinician Activity: Of 464 learners: 41% were nurse practitioners, 19% physician assistants, and 19% physicians; 32% specialized in diabetes and 20% in family medicine; 22% see 11-20 patients with T2D per week and 21% see greater than 30 per week. Increased knowledge was observed in patient education related to how to appropriately take an oral GLP-1 RA. 58% reported an animation video demonstrating the mechanism of action of a new oral GLP-1 RA to be very helpful in increasing their clinical knowledge. After the education, 47% reported being confident in patient selection for GLP-1 RA therapy, demonstrating a need for more education on this topic. Patient Activity (“Tips for Taking GLP-1 RAs for T2D?"): To date, 13,237 learners. Knowledge changes: 42% improvement in recognizing how you should take an oral GLP-1 RA (45% pre to 87% post). Intent-to-act: 66% plan to talk to their HCP about if an oral GLP-1 RA is right for them. Confidence changes: 73% reported increased confidence in taking a GLP-1 RA so it’s easier and has less side effects. The metrics and outcomes gathered in this assessment are a strong indicator that aligned clinician and patient activities are successful at improving ability to manage T2D with GLP-1 RAs.
A. Larkin: None. A. Le: None.
Novo Nordisk