Background: UPMC Diabetes Inpatient Service has been offering follow-up appointments to patients in endocrine clinic one week after discharge as an intervention to decrease readmissions. Unfortunately, these appointments have a very high no show rate and are only offered to a select group of patients who can show up to clinic in person. During COVID19 public health emergency as CMS started to reimburse video visits, our clinic switched to offer video visits one week following hospital stay. Whether video visits are effective for post-hospital follow-up is not known.

Objective: The aim of this study is to understand the impact of post-hospital video visits in diabetic population outcomes and clinic utilization.

Methods: We completed a retrospective chart review of patients with diabetes who had a follow-up appointment one week after discharge in 2019(August, September and October) and 2020(August, September and October). We compared no-show rates, utilization of physicians versus APPs, reduction in A1c between two groups.

Results: August to November 2019, 42 office appointments were scheduled. 24/42 appointments were completed, and the no show rate was at 42%. Previsit (hospital) average A1c was 8.03%, which improved to an average of 7.4% 3 months following appointment. 92% of all appointments were completed by physicians, and 8% were completed by an APP. August to November 2020, 100 posthospital appointments were scheduled for diabetes service patients. 70 of 100(70%) agreed to complete video visits, 29/100 preferred office appointments. In video visit group, no show rate was only (8/70) 11%. Video visit group had a previsit (hospital) average A1c: 8.3%, 3 months after video visit average A1c improved to 6.3%. 32% of post-discharge visits were completed by a physician, 67% of were completed by an APP.

Conclusion: In patients with diabetes, post-discharge video visits decreased no show rates, increased utilization of APPs while achieving to improve A1c.


E. Karslioglu-french: None. D. Sistla: None. A. C. Meyer: None.

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