Subclinical markers of atherosclerosis, including CAC, are less favorable in adults with IGT. In previous adult studies, higher PA has been associated with lower CAC with findings varying by age and sex. PA and CAC were examined by age and sex in the diverse Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS) cohort with IGT who were randomized at baseline to lifestyle intervention, metformin, or placebo groups for a mean of 3.2 years, and subsequently observed in DPPOS for follow-up.
PA was measured via questionnaire (annually); accelerometry once at 11-13yrs and CAC Agatston score (AS) using chest computed tomography at 13-15 yrs from randomization. The relationship between PA and CAC was examined using Tobit regression models in 1434 participants with valid PA and CAC data (mean age 63±9.5 yrs; 70% female; 54% with diabetes) adjusted for treatment group, age, sex, race/ethnicity, lipid medication use, diabetes status, and cumulative metformin exposure; pairwise and three-way interactions were examined.
Accelerometry-assessed median (IQR) daily step counts and moderate+ PA (MVPA) minutes were 5302 (3576, 7104) and 21 (9, 41), respectively. Median (IQR) AS was 9 (0, 151). In fully adjusted models, each 1000 steps /day was associated with lower CAC (p=0.024). Results were examined by sex and age subgroups (<65 and ≥65 yrs) with significant inverse associations found in women (<65 and ≥65 yrs; both p<0.001) but not in men (<65 and ≥65 yrs; both p>0.05). Similarly, significant inverse associations between MVPA minutes and CAC AS were found in women (<65 yrs p=0.003; ≥65 yrs p=0.012) but not in men (<65 yrs p=0.91 and ≥65 yrs p=0.056). Questionnaire-measured PA and CAC associations showed similar trends. In contrast, minutes of sedentary and light PA were not significantly associated with CAC.
Suggested sex differences in the PA-CAC association in adults with initial glucose intolerance was found and should be investigated in other studies.
B. Rockette-wagner: None. E. Horton: None. M. A. Hoskin: None. U. N. Ibebuogu: None. M. Schlögl: None. R. B. Goldberg: None. D. Research group: None. A. Kriska: None. N. Younes: None. S. Edelstein: None. T. J. Orchard: None. M. Armstrong: None. A. L. Brown: Research Support; Self; Medtronic, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. D. Dabelea: None. K. M. Gadde: Other Relationship; Self; AstraZeneca, Research Support; Self; BioKier, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (U01DK048489)