The American Diabetes Association has issued important updates to the 2022 Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes. Updated sections include Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management and Chronic Kidney Disease and Risk Management. Access the Standards of Care as well as all updates at

The 82nd annual American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions was held in New Orleans, Louisiana, on 3–7 June 2022, at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. If you were unable to attend the American Diabetes Association 82nd Scientific Sessions, it is not too late to access over 800 presentations highlighting the most exciting science in diabetes research and care. For more information, please visit

Save the Date! The 2023 Clinical Update Course will be held in Tampa, Florida, as well as virtually, on 10–12 February 2023. The program will focus on clinical practice updates, and approximately 15 continuing education credits will be available to registered attendees. For registration details and more information, please visit

The American Diabetes Association’s most recently published clinical compendium is a practical guide to diabetes-related eye care. The guide presents practical information to facilitate interprofessional collaboration, reduce barriers, and improve outcomes for people with diabetes-related retinal disease. This compendium is sponsored by VSP Vision Care and Regeneron, Visionary Partners in the American Diabetes Association’s multiyear “Focus on Diabetes” eye health initiative ( To access this and other clinical compendia for free, visit

These online collections of articles feature the latest studies, clinical observations, and commentary published in Diabetes Care and Diabetes on COVID-19 and diabetes. Topics include management of diabetes and its complications during the pandemic, blood glucose control and remote glucose monitoring, and outcomes in patients with hyperglycemia, cardiovascular risk, and obesity. The special article collections are updated regularly as relevant articles are published online. To access the Diabetes Care collection, visit For the Diabetes collection, visit

Diabetes Core Update is a monthly audio podcast devoted to presenting and discussing the latest clinically relevant articles from the American Diabetes Association’s scholarly journals. Diabetes Core Update audio podcasts are free and can be accessed through iTunes or RSS feed. For more information, please visit

The American Diabetes Association offers a variety of continuing education opportunities and materials for health care professionals. Educational offerings include live and free online programs. For more information, including a complete list of American Diabetes Association programs, please visit

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