Diabetes calls on thousands of scientific and medical experts each year to review manuscript submissions. The editors of Diabetes sincerely appreciate the efforts of all of our reviewers who volunteer their time and expertise to provide valuable feedback to ensure the consistently high quality of the research published in each issue. We would like to recognize the “top” reviewers—based on the number of reviews completed, timeliness, reliability, and quality—for their outstanding contributions and dedication to Diabetes.

Top Reviewers in 2021

Jonathan Campbell, PhD

Stephan Kissler, PhD

Sona Kang, PhD

Jun Wu, PhD

Moshe Levi, MD

Scott Soleimanpour, MD

Arup Das, MD, PhD

Barak Blum, PhD

Julio Ayala, PhD

Maria Golson, PhD

In addition, we would like to recognize those individuals who completed three or more reviews in 2021. We sincerely appreciate their contributions.

Amanda Ackermann

Emilyn Alejandro

Laura Alonso

Juli Bai

Alexander Bartelt

Manuela Bartoli

David Bernlohr

Susan Bonner-Weir

Shawn Burgess

Lu Cai

Alejandro Caicedo

Megan Capozzi

Constantinos Christodoulides

Sheila Collins

John Corbett

Swapan Das

Howard Davidson

Lily Dong

X. Charlie Dong

Zheng Dong

Lena Eliasson

Feyza Engin

Yong Fan

Paul Fernyhough

Jonathan Flak

Adolfo Garcia-Ocaña

Thomas Gardner

Struan Grant

Rana Gupta

Raymond Harris

John Cijiang He

Mark Huising

David Jacobson

Francis Kim

Jae Bum Kim

Jean-Paul Kovalik

Hidenori Koyama

Brian Layden

Jonathan Long

Rayaz Malik

Roberto Mallone

Matthew Merrins

Bettina Mittendorfer

Prabhakara Nagareddy

Rachel Perry

Marcus Pezzolesi

Vincent Poitout

Ravichandran Ramasamy

Holger Russ

Randy Seeley

Mengle Shao

Norbert Stefan

Qi Sun

Rongya Tao

Anders Tengholm

Paul Titchenell

Vincenzo Trischitta

Hirotaka Watada

Christian Wolfrum

Xiangwei Xiao

Douglas Zochodne

Thank you,

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