Introduction: We evaluated the efficacy and safety of the recommended scheme by international guideline in 2012 (2012’s scheme) in comparison with a less aggressive scheme (2019’s scheme) proposed by Umpierrez et al.

Methods: A non-blinded randomized clinical study was conducted in which two short-time insulin schemes for hyperglycemic control (2012’s vs. 2019’s) were compared in hospitalized patients of Hospital Universitario Clínica San Rafael (HUCSR) in Bogotá Colombia in a period between october 2019 and february 2022.

Results: Totally, 91 patients joined the trial. There were no statically significant difference between the demographic characteristics and outcomes.

Conclusions: The two schemes are equally safe and efficient in our population and can be used interchangeably.


C. A. Yepes: Speaker’s Bureau; Medtronic, Novo Nordisk, Sanofi. J. M. Mora: None. E. Moscoso: None. J. R. Rodríguez: None. L. A. León: None. J. Gomez: None. N. Buriticá: None.

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