The trajectories of plasma lipids and fatty acids from preconception to antenatal phases are understudied. Within a Singapore preconception and pregnancy cohort of 373 live singletons, we ascertained 35 Chinese pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) according to IADPSG criteria between 24-28 weeks of gestation, and matched with 35 non-GDM Chinese controls by age and pre-pregnancy body mass index. We collected bloo samples at preconception, early (11-13 weeks) , and mid-pregnancy (18-21 weeks) . We employed OPLS-DA and logistic regression to discriminate women with and without GDM using a non-targeted approach. We applied a generalized linear mixed model in cubic spline with interaction with gestation weeks to look at metabolite trajectories across three timepoints between GDM and non-GDM matches. A total of metabolites exhibited distinctive signals from pregnant women with GDM from women without GDM in early pregnancy, such as LPE 22:6 and DHA: 22:6n3. All trajectories but one (palmitic acid) showed significant increments in preconception and mid-pregnancy phases, whereas a significant reduction in early pregnancy among GDM cases. Our data identified distinctive metabolites changes across preconception and mid-pregnancy phase among GDM subjects, and such novel findings might imply potential predictive values for incident GDM.


L.Li: None. X.Wang: None. L.Cui: None. C.Zhang: None. Spresto study group: n/a.


Singapore-NMRC/TCR/004-NUS/2008; NMRC/TCR/012-NUHS/2014; NMRC TA/0027/2014) .

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