Background: In the past 5 years, type 2 diabetes practice guidelines have shifted to prioritize agents with cardiovascular (CV) and renal benefit. This study assessed whether real-world medication use has changed in line with these evolving guidelines.

Methods: We retrospectively examined the treatment patterns (12 months pre and post) of people with T2D (PwT2D) who initiated basal insulin (BI) in either 2015 (cohort 1) , 2017 (cohort 2) , or 2019 (cohort 3) using IBM® MarketScan® Databases. Between-group differences were analyzed via t-test or chi-square as appropriate.

Results: In the study period, 6,396,441 PwT2D were identified. The number of PwT2D initiating BI was 17,801/948,805 (1.88%) in 2015 vs. 10,870/622,455 (1.75%) in 2019 and a progressively larger share of BI initiators had prior GLP-1RA use (14.8% in cohort 1 vs. 25.2% in cohort 3; p < 0.001) or SGLT-2i use (11.4% in cohort 1 vs. 20.5% in cohort 3; p < 0.001) . Furthermore, in patients without prior GLP-1RA, SGLT-2i, or bolus use who initiated GLP-1RA or SGLT-2i in the first year of BI, time to first GLP-1RA (132.4 days in cohort 1 vs. 120.5 days in cohort 3; p = 0.02) or SGLT-2i (131.5 days in cohort 1 vs. 113.3 days in cohort 3; p = 0.002) decreased.

Conclusions: Real-world data suggests growing and earlier use of GLP-1RA and SGLT-2i among BI users, and a growing proportion of PwT2D on BI-GLP-1RA combination treatment, in line with changing practice guidelines.


D. Schapiro: Employee; Eli Lilly and Company. A. Meeks: Employee; Eli Lilly and Company. D. Liu: Employee; Eli Lilly and Company, Stock/Shareholder; Eli Lilly and Company. F. Gelsey: Employee; Eli Lilly and Company, Stock/Shareholder; Eli Lilly and Company. R. Juneja: Employee; Eli Lilly and Company, Stock/Shareholder; Eli Lilly and Company. M. Perez-nieves: Employee; Eli Lilly and Company, Stock/Shareholder; Eli Lilly and Company. A. Huang: None.


Eli Lilly and Company

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