To examine CRF trends that may impact future CVD risk, the SEARCH study assessed CRF for diabetes-related complications in incident cohorts established from 2002 - 2016. Linear regression was used to assess trends over each incident year for non-HDL-c, LDL-c, VLDL-c, TG, BMI z-score, systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP) z-scores, albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR) and eGFR. Models were stratified by diabetes type (Type 1, N=4600; Type 2, N=932) , adjusted for age at diagnosis, sex, DM duration and race/ethnicity. An interaction analysis was conducted to assess differential time trends by type. For youth with type 1, non-HDL-c, BP, BMI and ACR >30 decreased while HDL-c increased over time. For youth with type 2, non-HDL-c, and eGFR decreased, and BMI increased over time (table) . Significant time change interactions by type were seen for HDL-c and for BMI z-score and BP measures (table) .We observed small but significant changes in several CRFs over time in youth with incident DM, especially lipids, with greater improvements seen in youth with type 1. Youth with type 2 had worsening trends over time in BMI, BP, and kidney function. Further research is needed to better understand these trends and their implications for long term CVD risk.


R.A.Bell: None. A.D.Liese: None. E.Lustigova: None. S.M.Marcovina: None. L.Merjaneh: None. D.J.Pettitt: n/a. C.Pihoker: None. A.S.Shah: None. A.M.South: None. L.E.Wagenknecht: None. J.Rigdon: None. A.Bellatorre: None. D.Dabelea: None. R.Dagostino: Consultant; Aetion, Inc., AstraZeneca, Biogen, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Daiichi Sankyo, Merck & Co., Inc. J.Divers: None. L.M.Dolan: None. G.Imperatore: None. E.T.Jensen: Consultant; Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention U18DP006131

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