We studied arterial stiffness in youth and young adults with T1D and potential longitudinal mediators of racial and ethnic disparities. SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study participants (n=2317; 14% Hispanic, 12% non-Hispanic Black, 74% non-Hispanic White) had CV risk factors (body size, lipid profile, blood pressure, A1c, urinary creatinine, pulse) measured 2-6 times from ∼9 months up to ˜years after T1D diagnosis. Arterial stiffness was measured with pulse wave velocity (PWV) at ˜years T1D duration (˜18 years of age) . For each risk factor, we summarized the longitudinal data as mean, max, slope, and area-under-the-curve (AUC) . Using split test/replication datasets, we a) identified the summary statistic for each risk factor most associated with PWV using flipped multivariate general linear models, and b) used the resulting statistics to construct a risk score predicting PWV with a stepwise general linear model. The final score included AUC for BMI, triglycerides and creatinine; heart rate slope; max mean arterial pressure; and age and T1D duration at PWV measurement, explaining 35% of variability in PWV at 18 years. PWV varied by race and ethnicity (Figure - left) . Adjustment for the risk score partially attenuated this disparity (Figure - right) . These data suggest CV risk factors from T1D diagnosis onward are related to racial and ethnic disparities in arterial stiffness, but other factors are likely involved.


K.A.Sauder: None. S.M.Marcovina: None. E.J.Mayer-davis: None. A.K.Mottl: Advisory Panel; Bayer AG, Board Member; Bayer AG, Research Support; Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Aurinia, Bayer AG, Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH, Pfizer Inc. C.Pihoker: None. K.Reynolds: Research Support; Amgen Inc., Merck & Co., Inc., Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation. A.S.Shah: None. E.M.Urbina: Advisory Panel; Astellas Pharma Inc. L.E.Wagenknecht: None. S.R.Daniels: None. D.Dabelea: None. D.H.Glueck: None. K.K.Harrall: None. R.Dagostino: Consultant; Aetion, Inc., AstraZeneca, Biogen, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Daiichi Sankyo, Merck & Co., Inc. L.M.Dolan: None. A.Lane-cordova: None. A.D.Liese: None. E.Lustigova: None. F.Malik: n/a.


National Institutes of Health

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