Introduction: Diabetic cardiomyopathy (DbCM) is characterized by abnormal cardiac structure/function, associated with incident HF, and has a 67% prevalence in the community. However, the prevalence of DbCM in a real-world, electronic health record (EHR) system is not known.

Methods: Adult patients with DM in a single center EHR free of CVD with available data on HF risk factors were included. The presence of DbCM was defined using different definitions (Figure) . DbCM prevalence was compared across subgroups with differences assessed using the chi-squared test. Adjusted logistic regression models were constructed to evaluate significant predictors of DbCM.

Results: Among 1,921 individuals with DM, prevalence of DbCM in the overall cohort was 8.7% and 64.4% in the most and least restrictive definitions, respectively. Across all definitions, increasing age and Hispanic ethnicity was associated with higher proportion of DbCM (Figure A,D) . No consistent differences in DbCM prevalence were observed across sex and race-based subgroups across definitions (Figure B-C) . In multivariable-adjusted logistic regression, higher creatinine and longer QRS duration were associated with higher risk of DbCM across all definitions.

Conclusions: In a single-center, EHR cohort, the prevalence of DbCM was up to 64.4%. Increasing age and Hispanic ethnicity had a higher prevalence of DbCM.


M.W.Segar: None. K.Patel: None. M.Vaduganathan: Advisory Panel; American Regent, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Bayer AG, Baxter Healthcare, Boehringer Ingelheim, Cytokinetics, Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacosmos, Relypsa, Roche Diagnostics, and Sanofi, Other Relationship; Novartis and Galmed , Research Support; Amgen, AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Novartis, Roche Diagnostics, and Sanofi, Speaker's Bureau; Novartis and Roche Diagnostics. A.Chandra: None. D.L.Willett: None. A.Pandey: Advisory Panel; Lilly, Consultant; Tricog, Research Support; Applied Therapeutics, Gilead Sciences, Inc.

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