Background: The ADA 2022 standard of care recommends routine screening for T2DM beginning from the age of 35 years, while Indian Council of Medical Research recommends to begin screening above the age of 30 years. Current study was aimed at assessing prevalence of diabetes among Indians below 35 and 30 years of age

Methodology: Data collected from One Nation, One Day, One Million Tests campaign by RSSDI was retrospectively analyzed. A total data of 225955 adults was included in the analysis. 466 subjects (28026 males & 18561 females) were below the age of 35 years while 27924 (16460 males and 11446 females) were below the age of 30 years. Prevalence of preexisting (self-reported) diabetes and newly detected diabetes was calculated in this subgroup

Result: 225955 people screened, 44.3% (100074) were having diabetes. 34.8% (78694) were aware that they have diabetes while 9.4% (21380) were detected with diabetes for the first time during screening. Overall 55.3% (55338) of subjects had family history of diabetes.

Subgroup analysis below 35 years of age showed- 12% (5612) had preexisting diabetes while 5.8% (2713) were newly detected with an overall prevalence 17.8% (8325) .

Among subjects below 30 years of age 8.7% (2433) had preexisting diabetes while 4.6% (1642) were newly detected with diabetes with an overall prevalence of 13.3% (3713) .

Conclusion: The prevalence of T2DM among the young population is on rise. Our study supports the ICMR guidelines for screening of diabetes in the Indian population to begin at the age of 30 years. Higher screening age is likely to miss out a significant number of people. The study has important implications as ADA may also consider screening people of Indian origin at a younger age.Thought should be given to begin screening In Indian population even below the age of 30 years especially in those with a family history of diabetes.


A.Gupta: Speaker's Bureau; Lupin Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Medtronic, Novartis AG, Novo Nordisk, Sanofi. S.Bhattacharyya: None. S.Chittawar: None. B.D.Saboo: None. R.M.Parikh: None. V.K.Ch: None. S.Agarwal: Speaker's Bureau; Novo Nordisk, Roche Diabetes Care, Sanofi, USV Private Limited. B.M.Makkar: None. R.R.Kovil: None. P.M.Chawla: Speaker's Bureau; Biocon, Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH, Eris Lifesciences Ltd., Novo Nordisk, Sanofi. A.Nanditha: None.

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