An estimated 13% of all U.S. adults aged ≥18 years have diabetes, and 34.5% meet criteria for having prediabetes. Screening adults at high risk for prediabetes and diabetes may allow earlier detection, diagnosis, and treatment, thereby improving health outcomes. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends screening every three years for abnormal blood glucose in adults aged 40-70 years who have overweight or obesity (this recommendation was updated to adults aged 35-70 years in August of 2021) . Using IQVIA Ambulatory Electronic Medical Records (EMR) via the IQVIA E360 platform, we aimed to estimate the proportion of adults aged 40-70 years with overweight or obesity who received a test for blood glucose in a 3-year period from 2016-2019. We defined overweight or obesity based on body mass index (BMI of 25-29.9 kg/m2 and ≥30 kg/m2, respectively) calculated using measured height and weight. Receipt of a blood glucose test was defined as having a hemoglobin A1c or fasting plasma glucose measured, as recommended by USPSTF. Our analysis identified adults aged 40-70 years with overweight or obesity in 2016 (the index year) and without preexisting diabetes, defined using a modified SUPREME-DM algorithm for EMR data[1]. We included adults who were present in the dataset for at least two years before their index BMI in 2016 (to exclude those with prevalent diabetes) and three years after the index BMI, during which we examined the occurrence of blood glucose testing. Among 1,360,095 adults who had overweight or obesity, 33.4% received a test for blood glucose in 2016-2019. The testing rate was 28.7% among adults with overweight and 37.3% among adults with obesity. Our findings could help inform clinical and public health promotion efforts to improve screening for blood glucose levels among adults with overweight or obesity. Future studies may identify factors associated with receiving timely blood glucose screening.



Y.Chen: None. E.A.Lundeen: None. A.Koyama: None. L.Kompaniyets: None. L.J.Andes: None. S.R.Benoit: None. G.Imperatore: None. D.B.Rolka: None.

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