In 2015, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) lowered the BMI cut-off for diabetes screening for Asian-Americans (AA) from BMI ≥ 25 to ≥ 23 kg/m2. We asked whether this led to increased screening among AA with BMI 23-25. We analyzed pooled, weighted data from the 2013, 2014, 2018, and 20Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) , a nationally-representative phone survey. A question on self-reported incidence of diabetes screening in the past three years was included by 20 states in all 4 study years. We included AA ages 18-80 with BMI 23-24.9 and 25-29.9 without prediabetes or diabetes. We calculated screening rates before (2013, 2014) and at least three years after (2018, 2019) the update. By a difference-in-differences approach, we compared change in diabetes screening by BMI group, using generalized linear models with an identity link adjusted for age and sex. A total of 6,672 respondents were included. The weighted screening rate among AA with BMI 23-25 was similar before and after the guideline update (Table) . The change in likelihood of diabetes screening among AA with BMI 23-25 did not differ from those with BMI 25-30 (difference in differences -3.5%, 95% CI: -13.3% to 6.4%, p=0.49) . We found no increase in diabetes screening among AA with lower BMI despite updated ADA guidelines. Increased attention to screening in this at-risk group is needed. Note: Two first authors contributed equally.


A.Demarsilis: None. I.Usiskin: None. K.J.Mukamal: Other Relationship; US Highbush Blueberry Council.

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