Objective: To investigate the relationship between hyperglycemia and adverse in-hospital outcomes in patients with and without known diabetes
Research Design and Methods: The Diabetes IN-hospital: Glucose and Outcomes (DINGO) prospective cohort study was conducted over 26 weeks between Oct-20 and Mar-2020 at The Royal Melbourne Hospital. Admissions with ≥2 capillary glucose values and length of stay >24 hours were eligible. Stratification was by in-hospital hyperglycemia (IHH) , defined as ≥2 capillary glucose values of ≥11.1 mmol/L [≥200 mg/dL].
Results: We included 2,6admissions, of which 1,189 (46%) experienced in-hospital hyperglycemia. Following adjustment (covariates) , IHH was independently associated with in-hospital healthcare-associated infection (HAI) , acute kidney injury (AKI) , stroke, and mortality (see figure for incidence rate ratios [IRR]) . For each outcome the association was independent of diabetes status, except for mortality where the association was stronger in those without known diabetes. Patient-day mean glucose was elevated in those with HAI and AKI, on both whole-of-admission and prior-to-event calculations.
Conclusions: In-hospital hyperglycemia is independently associated with in-hospital HAI and AKI in patients with and without known diabetes.
R.Barmanray: None. M.Kyi: None. L.J.Worth: None. P.G.Colman: None. T.N.Fazio: None. G.Rayman: None. S.Fourlanos: Advisory Panel; Pfizer Inc., Viatris Inc., Speaker's Bureau; AstraZeneca, Novo Nordisk.
Rowe Family Foundation Perpetual GrantAustralian Government Research Training Program Scholarship