Background: We previously reported 1- and 2-year effectiveness of a VLCI via CRC. Here we assess the long term effectiveness of the treatment via achievement of A1c ≤6.5%, <7%, and <8% with and without antidiabetes medications at 5 years.

Research Design and Methods: Patients with T2D who initially enrolled in a 2-year non-randomized, controlled clinical trial and received a VLCI via CRC were offered 3 additional years of prospective follow-up. Of the 200 patients completing 2 years, 169 (84.5%) consented to extend; 122 (72.2%) were retained at 5 years. Among those who extended, McNemar's test was used to assess the change in percent of patients meeting glycemic targets from baseline to 5 years among completers and on an intent-to-treat basis.

Results: At 5 years, the percent of completing patients meeting glycemic goals improved across all defined targets (Table 1) . Of completing patients, 20% achieved diabetes remission, while 32.5% achieved an A1c <6.5% without the use of antidiabetes medications with the exception of metformin.

Conclusions: One fifth of completing patients achieved the international consensus criteria for diabetes remission at 5 years, which is unique among lifestyle interventions. The proportion of people at A1c goal increased, suggesting the VLCI delivered via CRC may be an effective, long-term strategy to improve population health.


B.M.Volk: Employee; Virta Health Corp., Stock/Shareholder; Virta Health Corp. S.Hallberg: Advisory Panel; Atkins Nutritionals Inc., Employee; Virta Health Corp., Stock/Shareholder; Virta Health Corp. A.L.Mckenzie: Employee; Virta Health Corp., Stock/Shareholder; Virta Health Corp. S.J.Athinarayanan: Employee; Virta Health Corp. M.Vantieghem: Employee; Virta Health Corp., Stock/Shareholder; Virta Health Corp. R.N.Adams: Employee; Virta Health Corp. C.G.P.Roberts: Employee; Virta Health Corp., Stock/Shareholder; Virta Health Corp. R.E.Ratner: Employee; Virta Health Corp. J.Volek: Advisory Panel; Abbott Diagnostics, Simply Good Foods, Stock/Shareholder; Virta Health Corp. S.Phinney: Employee; Virta Health Corp.

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