Introduction: We sought to determine the 30-Day Readmission rate (30-DRr) for patients with Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) with coexisting Chronic Systolic Heart failure (cSHF) and Atrial Fibrillation (AF) , readmission rate mortality, & healthcare utilization in the United States.

Methods: Using the 2017-2018 National Readmission Database, we conducted a retrospective analysis of patient discharges with T2DM as a principal diagnosis and cSHF&AF as a secondary diagnosis. Readmission was defined as the first admission for any non-trauma diagnosis within 30 days of the index admission. The outcomes were 30DRr, readmission mortality rate & resource utilization defined by LOS, Average & Total patient charges/hospital costs.

Results: A total of 29,967 index hospitalization for T2DM with co-existing cSHF & AF; mean age was 71.4years, & 69.8% males. In-hospital mortality rate for index admission was 2.89%, while 30-DRr was 17.5% (Figure 1) . The In-hospital mortality rate was 6.78% among this group of readmitted patients, compared to index admission (6.78% vs. 2.89%, adjusted p=0.0001) . The total hospital days associated with readmission were 34,691 days, with a total hospital cost burden of $78,400,000 & a total economic burden on patients of $344,000,000.

Conclusion: T2DM with cSHF&AF had a high number of 30-DRr, associated with incremental mortality & high health care burden.


M.Fatuyi: n/a. L.Pereira: None. V.Sharma: None. L.Khokhlov: None. V.Namdarizandi: None. A.Zain elabidin: None. R.T.Orji: None. K.Shemisa: Speaker's Bureau; AstraZeneca, Bayer AG, Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH, ESPERION Therapeutics, Inc., Merck & Co., Inc., Pfizer Inc.

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