The incretins GLP-1 and GIP have important roles in insulin sensitivity and have been shown to be effective in pharmacological treatment of type 2 diabetes (T2D) . Therefore, we studied these incretin level changes with remission of T2D and weight loss using a high protein (HP) diet in 12 obese women and men with T2D. Our studies have shown that subjects with T2D on a 6 month HP diet (30%protein,30%fat, 40%CHO) had 100% remission of T2D compared to only 33% on a HC diet (15%protein,30%fat, 55%CHO) . Effects of HP and HC diets on ghrelin levels were determined since HP subjects had increased satiety compared to HC diet. GLP-1, GIP, and Ghrelin levels were determined with a Meal Tolerance Test (MTT) at baseline and after 6 mo on HP and HC diets where all food was provided. Since cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) decreased more in the HP than the HC diet, we determined if the B-Type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) released from the heart was affected by either diet. As shown in Table, HP diet had a greater increase in GLP-1 and GIP than the HC diet. BNP decrease demonstrates improvement in heart tissue with the HP diet having a greater effect than the HC diet. Weight loss was similar (9.8% in HP vs. 11.3% in HC, p=0.692) . this study demonstrates that the HP diet increases GLP-1 and GIP which may be responsible in part for the improved insulin sensitivity and decreased BNP with greater improvement in CVRF with remission of T2D


F.B.Stentz: None. A.Ammons: None. J.V.Christman: None.


AD Baskin Research Grant

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