Background: Post-bariatric surgery weight regain is common and leads to recidivism of cardiometabolic diseases, including Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) . Endoscopic therapies are emerging tools to treat weight regain. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of endoscopic revision for post-bariatric surgery weight regain in people with T2DM.

Methods: A retrospective review was conducted on patients who underwent endoscopic revision for post-bariatric surgery weight regain from November 20to July 2021 at an academic center. The primary outcome was weight change at 1, 3, and 6 months post-endoscopic revision.

Results: The cohort (n=33) was mean age 55 years; 82% female; 45% non-Hispanic Black, 15% Hispanic; mean BMI 39.3; 63% with gastric bypass, 33% with sleeve gastrectomy, 3% with duodenal switch; 24% with T2DM at the time of revision. The mean time from bariatric surgery to revision was 12 years with mean 33% weight regain from post-surgery nadir. Patients with T2DM experienced similar mean percent weight loss as those without T2DM at 1 (5.34% vs. 4.93%) and 3 months (4.98% vs. 6.47%) post-revision but less weight loss at 6 months (-0.28% vs. 4.07%) (Figure 1) .

Conclusion: Endoscopic revision is an effective therapy for post-bariatric surgery weight regain. However, people with T2DM may experience less long term weight loss compared to those without T2DM, warranting further investigation.


S.Tejani: None. S.H.Dunn: None. A.Tavakkoli: None. S.E.Messiah: None. J.Almandoz: None.

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