Aims: FABP1’s relationship with obesity-related hyperuricemia remains unknown. We aimed to evaluate FABP1-level changes in patients with obesity-related hyperuricemia and changes after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) .

Materials and Methods: Participants were categorized according to uric acid (UA) level: normal UA group (NUA, men≤420 μmol/L, women≤360 μmol/L) and high UA group (HUA, men>420 μmol/L, women>360 μmol/L) . The cross-sectional analysis included 123 non-obese individuals (NUA, n=90; HUA, n =33) and 76 patients with obesity (NUA, n =31; HUA, n =45) who underwent LSG. FABP1 levels were measured at baseline and 3, 6, and 12 months post-LSG.

Results: In non-obese individuals, FABP1 did not differ statistically between the NUA and HUA groups (15.52±15.62 ng/mL vs. 18.44±11.47 ng/mL, P=0.330) . However, in patients with obesity, FABP1 was positively correlated with UA and higher in the HUA than in the NUA group (32.47±22.35 ng/mL vs. 22.84±14.54 ng/mL, P<0.05) . Multiple linear regression found a positive correlation between FABP1 and UA (R2=0.101, β=0.317, 95% CI=0.020-0.110, P<0.01) , and binomial logistic regression found that FABP1 could predict HUA in patients with obesity (OR=1.031, 95% CI=1.002-1.061, P<0.05) . UA and FABP1 levels, whether in the NUA or HUA group, decreased at 3, 6, and 12 months postoperatively. But FABP1 decreased faster in the HUA than NUA group, and there was a statistical difference at 12 months.

Conclusions: FABP1 increased in obesity-related hyperuricemia in contrast to only obesity. And FABP1 decreased faster in the HUA than in the NUA group among obesity postoperatively. Key words: FABP1, Obesity, Hyperuricemia, Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy


S.Qu: n/a. Y.Hui: None.


NSFC 81700752,2021SYPDRC059

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