Objectives: Accelerated atherogenesis can be defined as a complex procedure where the addition of facilitatory and pathogenic factors activates molecular pathways leading to the development and progression of atherosclerotic plaque. Patients diagnosed with Type-1 Diabetes bring control over the amount of sodium they consume. Despite the fact that salt intake is corresponding with blood pressure, it also partly determines the activation state of the RAAS. This study aims to determine the relationship between sodium intake and adverse outcomes among patients with diabetes. Methods: A total of 912 participants who regard their dietary intake at baseline is analyzed and assessed by the Food Frequency Questionnaire based on food groups. Results: This study found that in adults with Type-1 diabetes, low sodium intake was connected with increased risks of new-onset cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality. High sodium intake was often blamed for drastic outcomes, which leads to a “J-shaped relationship” overall. Even though BP-lowering is considerably a crucial objective for the management of diabetes, off-target actions that would help in activating the RAAS might contribute to lack of protection from CVD complications among patients with Type-1 diabetes with low levels of sodium intake.

Conclusion: This study suggested that the relationship between cardiovascular outcomes in diabetes and the amount of sodium intake is more complicated than simply being a cause of high BP.


S.Kumar: None.

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