Diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity are major risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) . Access to and awareness of health education programming is often low in ethnic/racial minorities and individuals of low socioeconomic status experience a higher prevalence of T2D, hypertension, CVD and stroke. Additionally, underserved, at-risk patients face barriers to accessing traditional in-person diabetes self-management education and support (DSME/S) due to transportation, caregiving, and work conflicts. To address this gap, the ADA’s Know Diabetes by Heart (KDBH) initiative partnered with Project Dulce, an evidence-based culturally and linguistically modified DSME/S program to overlay an innovative digital approach to diabetes support programming and resources in the community. In response to COVID-restrictions, Project Dulce sessions integrating KDBH content were delivered via telehealth group sessions and text messaging to encourage heart healthy self-management behaviors. Pre/post surveys assessed knowledge and self-management, and clinical metrics were evaluated via electronic health records. The KDBH/Project Dulce DSME/S program was delivered to 5 health systems in California: 2 Federally Qualified Health Centers, 2 County health clinics and 1 large community-based health system near the US/Mexico border. Of the N=553 who received KDBH/Project Dulce education, 47% were White, 36% Hispanic, 14% African American, Asian, Native American, Pacific Islander, and 3% other. Of all enrollees, 58% were female, and 15% were </= 45 y/o, 50% were 46-65 y/o and 35% were >/= 66 y/o. Participant feedback indicated acceptance of both the group virtual and texting programs. Findings demonstrate the feasibility of disseminating important heart healthy interventions to diverse ethnic/racial minority groups via a variety of digital and telehealth methods.


M.Ruiz: n/a. A.L.Fortmann: Consultant; Ascensia Diabetes Care, Employee; Dexcom, Inc. H.Sandoval: None. A.Philis-tsimikas: Advisory Panel; Bayer AG, Novo Nordisk, Research Support; Lilly Diabetes, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Novo Nordisk, Viking Therapeutics. M.Chichmarenko: None. S.R.Bagsic: None. J.Boyer: None.


American Diabetes Association/KDBH;

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