Background: GLP1s are ineffective for a subset of patients. Differentiating between responders and non-responders based on baseline variables would allow for an individualized approach to managing diabetes.

Methods: A retrospective analysis of 324 veterans at the Omaha VA with type 2 diabetes on a GLP1 agonist to evaluate effectiveness quantified by reductions in HbA1c (>/= 0.5%) body weight (>/= 3%) and insulin doses (>/= 10% decrease or off insulin) relative to baseline was done with the outcome being a complete response in all three. Associations between categorical variables of interest and the dichotomous outcome were assessed using Chi-Square and t-tests. A logistic regression was run for the dichotomous outcome and included variables with bivariate p-values less than 0.20.

Results: In terms of, response to one, two or all outcome variables, Dulaglutide had, 22 (38.6%) , 21 (36.8%) and 9 (15.8%) ; Liraglutide had 45 (34.6%) , 44 (33%) and 33 (25.3%) ; Semaglutide had 24 (17.5%) , 64 (46.7%) and 43 (31.4%) . Patients on Semaglutide trended towards having higher odds of a complete response (odds 2.45 95% CI 0.93, 6.48) compared to Dulaglutide. Older patients had a higher odds of a complete response (odds 1.95% CI 1.01, 1.p=0.02 Table 1) . Variables including baseline A1c, insulin dose, BMI, Metformin, and eGFR were not significantly associated with a complete response to GLP1.

Conclusion: Age and the type of GLP1 are variables that determine effectiveness.


S.Kunwar: None. K.Samson: None. C.Davis: None. V.Shivaswamy: Research Support; Eli Lilly and Company, Kowa Company, Ltd., Novo Nordisk. C.Desouza: Advisory Panel; AstraZeneca, Bayer AG, Novo Nordisk A/S, Consultant; Asahi Kasei Corporation.

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