Postprandial glucose turnover in adolescents with type 1 diabetes (T1D) has not been investigated. To do so, we studied adolescents (n=15, age 11.5±0.5 yrs, BMI 19±2.3 kg/m2, HbA1c 7.5±1%, diabetes duration 4.6±3 yrs) and adults (n=15, age 36.3±9.4 yrs, BMI 27.1±2.1 kg/m2, HbA1c 6.9±1.1%, diabetes duration 18.1±9.6 yrs) with T1D after a mixed meal. Healthy adults (n=14, age 26.9 ± 7 yrs, BMI 24.9±2.5 kg/m2, HbA1c 5.0±0.3%) served as controls. T1D subjects administered their customary insulin bolus dose at meal onset. Rates of endogenous glucose production (EGP) , meal glucose appearance (MRa) and glucose disappearance (Rd) were calculated by the triple tracer method with stable isotopes ([1-13C] glucose, [2-13C] glucose and [6, 6-2H2] glucose) . Integrated glucose excursions did not differ between adolescents and adults with T1D during early (0-120 min) and total (0-300 min) postprandial periods. While basal EGP at start of the meal was higher (p<0.01) , integrated rates of EGP, MRa, Rd and glucose clearance were all lower (p<0.03) in adolescents than in adults with T1D during the early postprandial period and were numerically lower (p=0.08) during the total postprandial period (Figure1) . Taken together, the data demonstrates significant differences in postprandial glucose metabolism between adolescents and adults with T1D. Additional studies are ongoing to determine the causes of these differences.


F. Ruchi: None. D. Romeres: None. S. Gururaj: None. M. D. Deboer: Research Support; Dexcom, Inc., Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. R. Basu: Consultant; Sparrow Pharmaceuticals Inc, Research Support; Abbott Diabetes, AstraZeneca. A. Basu: Speaker's Bureau; Zealand Pharma A/S.


DK 124886, DK 085516, DK 029953

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