Background: Recent guidelines recommend use of SGLT2i and/or GLP1-RA in persons with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and CVD or CKD, regardless of glycemic control. The degree of adoption of these recommendations thus far is unclear

Methods: Among T2D patients receiving care within the VA Health Care System, we evaluated the prevalence and correlates of SGLT2i and GLP1-RA prescription during 20 and 2020. Logistic regression was used to examine associations of atherosclerotic CVD (ASCVD) , heart failure, and CKD (defined by lab values and/or administrative codes) as well as predicted risks of ASCVD and end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) , with prescription of SGLT2i and GLP1-RA

Results: Of 1,319,500 adults with T2D, 10% and 7% were prescribed SGLT2is and GLP1-RAs, respectively. Prescription prevalence of SGLT2i and GLP1-RA were 13% and 9% in patients with established ASCVD; 14% and 11% in those with heart failure; and 11% and 10% in those with CKD. In adjusted models, patients with severe albuminuria were less likely to be prescribed an SGLT2i or a GLP1-RA versus non-albuminuric patients with CKD: aOR (95% CI) = 0.89 (0.87, 0.91) and 0.95 (0.93, 0.98) , respectively. In patients with 10-year ASCVD risk >20% versus those with risk <5%, ASCVD risk was inversely associated with prescription: SGLT2i OR=0.70 (0.60, 0.80) and GLP1-RA OR=0.60 (0.50, 0.70) . Patients with 5-year ESKD risk >5% were less likely to be prescribed an SGLT2i: OR=0.61 (0.57, 0.66) , versus those with ESKD risk <1%

Conclusions: Among a national VA cohort of patients with T2D, prescription of SGLT2i and GLP1-RA was pervasively low across conditions for which they are currently indicated to lower the risk of CVD and CKD progression. Furthermore, we observed a “risk-treatment paradox”, where patients with higher risk of adverse outcomes were less likely to receive these therapies. Intensive implementation efforts are needed to prioritize prescription of these medications to patients who would derive the largest benefit.


J.A. Lamprea Montealegre: Research Support; Bayer AG. E. Madden: None. S. Tummalapalli: Consultant; Bayer AG. Research Support; Scanwell Health. C. Chu: Research Support; Bayer AG. Y. Du: Employee; Bayer AG. Stock/Shareholder; Bayer AG. R. Singh: None. S. Kong: Employee; Bayer AG. D.S. Tuot: None. C. Peralta: Employee; Cricket Health, Inc. Research Support; American Heart Association, National Institutes of Health. M.G. Shlipak: Advisory Panel; TAI Diagnostics. Consultant; Cricket Health, Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Research Support; Bayer AG. Other Relationship; AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH. M. Estrella: Research Support; Bayer AG. Other Relationship; AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH.

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