Serum lipids and metabolic diseases, in particular type 2 diabetes (T2D) and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) , predict the atherosclerotic diseases coronary artery disease (CAD) and peripheral arterial disease (PAD) . However, it is not known in how far a more detailed characterization including serum lipids improves discrimination of PAD from CAD. A cohort of 274 statin-naïve patients with either PAD (n = 89) or stable CAD (n = 185) were referred to metabolic screening and were characterized using nuclear magnetic resonance- and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry based advanced lipid and lipoprotein analysis. Results were validated in an independent cohort of 1239 patients with PAD or CAD. We found a significant difference in T2D prevalence and in the ceramide-based lipid profile between PAD and CAD patients. However, neither cholesterol-based markers (including LDL-C, HDL-C) and detailed lipoprotein profiles nor the NAFLD status differed significantly between PAD and CAD patients (figure) . The difference between ceramide-based lipid profiles of CAD and PAD remained significant also after adjusting for body composition, smoking, inflammatory parameters, and T2D. We conclude that PAD and CAD differ in ceramide-based lipid profiles and T2D status, but not in other lipid characteristics or metabolic diseases.


A.Leiherer: None. A.Jylha: None. M.Laaperi: None. R.Laaksonen: None. W.Maerz: None. P.Fraunberger: None. M.Kleber: None. H.Drexel: None. A.Muendlein: None. E.Brandtner: None. C.H.Saely: None. A.Vonbank: None. A.Mader: None. L.Sprenger: None. M.Maechler: None. B.Larcher: None.

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