We analyzed the efficacy of Twin Precision Treatment (TPT) : a novel whole-body digital twin enabled precision nutrition that utilises 174 health markers and 3000 daily data points from blood tests and connected devices that measure weight, physical activity, sleep and sensor glucose values, for achieving remission, at six months among 199 people with T2D enrolled in RCT in India. Mean age was 43 years (±8.7) ; diabetes duration was 3.7 years (±2.7) .Mean baseline A1C (%) of 9 (±1.8) reduced to 5.7 (±0.5) . 189 people (94.9%) achieved AIC < 6.5%, of which 167 (83.9%) achieved remission (return of HbA1c to less than 6.5%, with absence of glucose-lowering pharmacotherapy, for at least 3 months) . There was a significant improvement in the A1C, metabolic markers (HDL-C, TGs, sdLDL, TG/HDL, VAI, NAFLD scores, hsCRP, ferritin, WBC, ESR, MICR) and SBP, DBP, body weight, BMI, waist circumference and ASCVD risk score. (Figure) . The initial analysis of the ongoing trial demonstrates the efficacy of the proprietary digital twin technology, to achieve remission of T2D. These initial findings need corroboration with long term follow-up, to assess if this remission is durable.


S.R.Joshi: Advisory Panel; AstraZeneca, Consultant; Biocon, Franco India, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, Marico, Sanofi, Twinhealth , Zydus Cadila, Speaker's Bureau; Abbott, Serdia Pharmaceuticals (India) Pvt. Ltd. A.Keshavamurthy: None. M.Thajudeen: None. S.Bhonsley: None. P.Shamanna: None. L.Shah: None. M.Mohamed: None. J.Mohammed: None. T.Poon: None. M.Dharmalingam: None. A.Vadavi: None. B.Saboo: None. S.Damodharan: None.

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