Use of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) facilitates better management of type 2 diabetes (T2D) in outpatient clinics in academic medical centers. In a Quality Improvement project, we evaluated the effects of telehealth aided by CGM on HbA1c and percent time in range (TIR 70-180 mg/dl) in patients with T2D over a 6-month duration. Diabetes management advice based on intermittent CGM use was provided via phone by an academic endocrinologist to the clinical pharmacist at a rural community clinic. Inadequately controlled (HbA1c > 8%) T2D patients (n=27) on at least one antidiabetic drug were included and were monitored over a 6 month period, baseline (V1) , 3 months (V2) and 6 months (V3) . All patients received standard of care (SOC) treatment. On each visit, 12 patients (age 59 8y, BMI 36.2 3.6kg/m2, HbA1C 9.3 1.3%) received a professional CGM for 2 weeks. Thereafter, the devices were removed and analyzed. The PCP implemented medication changes based on recommendations by the endocrinologist to the clinical pharmacist. The other 15 patients (age 60 8y, BMI 32 4 kg/m2, HbA1C 9.1 1.6%) underwent the same schedule without CGM or telehealth consultations. There were no significant differences in age or HbA1c between groups at baseline. HbA1c (%) decreased (Δ -1.0 ± 1.4; p=0.03) , and CGM TIR (%) increased (Δ +24.3 ± 38.7; p=0.05) at V3 vs. V1 in the telehealth group. However, weight, CGM time below and above ranges (%) did not differ (p>0.05) statistically. In contrast, there were no significant differences in HbA1c (Δ +0.4 ± 1.7; p=0.3) between V3 and V1 in the SOC without telehealth group. Our results show that intermittent CGM use coupled with tele-consultation with diabetes expert improves glucose control and care quality in patients with T2D in community based health practice. This strategy could potentially mitigate existing health care disparities between suburban/rural-based community health practices and academic medical centers, thus closing the gaps in quality of care.


S. Gururaj: None. A. Asfa: None. L. C. Hanley: None. Y. R. Yadav: None. R. T. Bashore: None. R. Basu: Consultant; Sparrow Pharmaceuticals Inc, Research Support; Abbott Diabetes, AstraZeneca. A. Basu: Speaker’s Bureau; Zealand Pharma A/S.


Virginia Department of Health (GS11963)

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