Objective: To classify diabetes attitude, wishes and needs affecting diabetes self-management behaviors in persons with type 2 diabetes (T2D) taking oral medication.

Methods: Q-methodology, a mixed method of inquiry with bottom up-logic, was used to identify psychological phenotypes. Data using 33 Q-samples collected from 51 Q-Korean sorters (35men; 16 women) were analyzed by factor analysis using varimax orthogonal rotation (PQ Method Program, Version 2.35) . The Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activity measure and A1C in the past 6 months were included to obtain comprehensive understanding for managing diabetes.

Findings: A total of 34% variance was explained by 4 factors: Factor 1 (n=18) : moderate management with low confidence (age=60.0±12.2; A1C=7.06±1.98) , Factor 2 (n=15) : good management with high confidence (age= 68.3±9.7; A1C=6.60±0.59) , Factor 3 (n=6) : good management, necessitating assurance from trustful others including health care providers and logistic support (age=65.8±8.4; A1C=6.53±0.86) , Factor 4 (n=12) : poor management with low confidence and behavioral skills to be improved (age= 56.4±14.1; A1C= 7.53 ±1.14) .

Conclusions: Psychosocial screening affecting diabetes self-management behaviors needs to be regularly assessed to provide precision health in T2D education and support. Since those in a younger age were associated with poor diabetes management, further investigation is warranted to identify life stage care needs for T2D education and support.


E. Cha: None. M. Shin: None. H. Jang: None. K. Joung: None. H. Kim: None. M. S. Faulkner: None.


Korea Research Foundation (NRF-2019R1A2C1087199)

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