Introduction: Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A-I) , the main protein in high-density lipoproteins, improves beta-cell function and insulin sensitivity in experimental models and in people with type 2 diabetes. In those with type 1 diabetes (DM1) , clinical remission (CR) is a key factor for improved prognosis. However, predictors of CR in DM1 are not well described. Whether Apo A-I predicts CR in patients with DM1 remains unknown. Aim To assess the relationship between baseline Apo A-I at the time of diagnosis of DM1 with the presence of CR after 12 months of the disease.

Methods: The participants of Insulin Therapy and Lipoproteins' Profile in Type 1 Diabetes Study (InLipoDiab1; NCT02306005) were prospectively observed from the onset of the disease (the blood collection was performed before exogenous insulin administration) through 12 months. The final observation included 53 adults (62% men, age at onset 27±6 years) . DM1 was confirmed with guideline-based criteria on the presence of specific autoantibodies. The endpoint was the presence of pCR at the end of observation, which was defined as IDAA1C ≤ 9, according to the definition by Mortensen et al.: A1C (%) + [4 × insulin dose (U/kg/day) ]. Apo A-I was measured in serum with an ELISA kit. The group was divided into two according to the presence and absence of pCR.

Results: At 12 months, pCR was present in 43 participants (81%) . Baseline serum Apo A-I was significantly lower in participants without pCR versus those with the presence of pCR [0.79 (0.39-1.58) vs. 4.51 (0.95-5.93) mg/dl, p=0.002, respectively]. In multiple logistic regression, higher baseline Apo A-I was associated with the presence of pCR after 12 months, adjusted for sex, age, weight and the presence of diabetic ketoacidosis at onset (OR 1.74 (CI 95% 1.02-2.96) , p=0.03) .

Conclusion: The higher Apo A-I serum concentration at onset of DM1 the higher chance is for pCR in adults with DM1, after 12 months of observation. Higher serum Apo A-I levels seem to be a good prognostic factor for pCR of DM1.


A.Uruska: Other Relationship; Lilly, Novo Nordisk. A.Rohatgi: Speaker's Bureau; CSL Behring. A.Cieluch: None. A.Grzelka-wozniak: Other Relationship; Novo Nordisk, Roche Diabetes Care. J.Flotynska: None. A.Pypec: None. D.Zozulinska-ziolkiewicz: Advisory Panel; Dexcom, Inc., Medtronic, Speaker's Bureau; Abbott Diabetes, Ascensia Diabetes Care, AstraZeneca, BIOTON S.A., Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH, Eli Lilly and Company, Merck & Co., Inc., Novo Nordisk, Sanofi.


Kosciuszko Foundation and Poznan University of Medical Sciences

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