Introduction: Women with type 1 diabetes (T1D) are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) , and menopause increases CVD risk. However, little is known about menopause and CVD risk in T1D.

Methods: Women with (N=64) and without T1D (n=63) ages 47-55 years were examined for CVD risk factors and surrogate CVD markers: pulse wave velocity (PWV) , augmentation pressure (AP) and pulse height (PH) , brachial artery distensibility (BrachD) , and subendocardial viability index (SVI) . Body composition was measured by Dual Xray Absorptiometry. Menopausal status was determined by self-report. CVD markers were examined by diabetes and menopausal status using linear regression models adjusted for age.

Results: Mean ± SD age was 51±2.5 years in women with T1D and 51 ± 2.4 years in women without diabetes (p=0.32) . The percentage postmenopausal did not differ (30% vs. 32%, p=0.8) between T1D and nondiabetes women. As shown in the table, women with T1D had higher systolic blood pressure and measures of arterial stiffness (PWV, AP, PH, and BrachD) and lower SVI than women without diabetes. Menopause was associated with a greater loss in fat free mass and a greater increase in PWV and AP among women with T1D compared to women without diabetes.

Conclusions: Women with T1D have worse CVD markers, and menopause is associated with greater increases in arterial stiffness and loss in lean body mass than in nondiabetes women, independent of age.


H.K.Wise: None. E.Malecha: None. C.J.Chartier-logan: None. L.Pyle: None. A.Keshawarz: None. J.K.Snell-bergeon: Stock/Shareholder; GlaxoSmithKline plc.


American Diabetes Association (7-13-CD-10)

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