Hypertension increases complication risk in type 1 diabetes (T1D) . We examined blood pressure (BP) in young people with T1D from ADDN, a prospective clinical diabetes registry in Australia and New Zealand. Inclusion criteria: T1D (duration ≥1 year) and age 16-25 years at last visit (2011-2020) . Hypertension was defined as (on ≥3 occasions) systolic BP (SBP) and/or diastolic BP (DBP) >95th percentile for age <18 years, and SBP >130 and/or DBP >80 mmHg for age ≥18 years. Data from 6,338 young people (male 52.6%) attending 24 participating centres across 36,655 T1D healthcare visits were included; 2,812 (44.4%) had BP measured at last visit (Table 1) . Across all visits, 19.4% of youth aged <18 years and 21.7% of those aged ≥18 years met criteria for hypertension. Using multivariable Generalised Estimating Equations that included all visits, BP in the hypertensive range was associated with: male gender (B=0.36; 95% CI 0.01-0.24, p<0.001) , injection vs. pump therapy (B=0.16; 0.05-0.28, p<0.001) , higher HbA1c (B=0.10; 0.12-0.70, p<0.001) and overweight/obesity (B=0.56; 0.45-0.67, p<0.001) . We demonstrate that hypertension is common in young people with T1D, highlighting the importance of monitoring and treating BP in this at-risk population.


S.James: None. L.Perry: None. J.Lowe: None. P.G.Colman: None. M.E.Craig: None. Addn study group: n/a.

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