Rationale: Due to gaps in detecting subclinical cardiac abnormalities in T2D, we evaluated prevalence and clinical manifestations of early echocardiographic (echo) abnormalities in primary care in Mexico.

Methods: Mexico cohort of the ongoing ‘Take CaRe of Me program’ enrolled 2760 people with T2D (between 7 Dec 2020 - Dec 2021) and no cardiorenal disease per index visit history. We present descriptive data of documented echo performed by cardiologists as routine clinical care (499) in high-risk T2D identified by Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation (ESC 2019) .

Results: With mean age of 54.2±11.4 years, 55.4% were females and 189 patients (37.9%) had echo abnormalities — left ventricular hypertrophy (21%, 105) , left atrial enlargement (24.2%, 121) , diastolic dysfunction (6.8%, 34) , pulmonary hypertension (5.4%, 27) and valvular disease (4.8%, 24) . Substantial proportion of people with echo abnormalities had high or very high CV risk (Table) . Overall, 23 people had presumptive diagnosis of pre-HF based on symptoms and echo. Per documented data, 18 people had HF with preserved ejection fraction (EF) , 4 had mid-range EF and 1 had reduced EF.

Conclusion: Structural abnormalities are prevalent in 37.9% of people with T2D referred for an echo, even in absence of symptoms. Timely diagnosis of silent structural heart abnormalities in T2D is an opportunity for using novel cardiorenal pharmacotherapy for preventing HF.


G.Sahagún-sánchez: None. C.Bhograj: None. P.Gutiérrez-fajardo: None. F.Rodriguez-valadez: None. F.J.Lavalle-gonzalez: Speaker's Bureau; Abbott Diagnostics, AstraZeneca, Bayer AG, Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH, Eli Lilly and Company, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Novo Nordisk, Sanofi, Servier Laboratories. E.Vazquez-mendez: None. O.Meza-ledezma: None.


The preparation of the abstract was funded by AstraZeneca Pharma Limited.

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