Prediabetes carries a risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD) . Assessment of CVD risk in prediabetes is not as routine, as is assessment of diabetes risk. However, it is not less important. This can be done through conventional SCORE charts and through coronary artery calcium (CAC) score. CAC is examined through multislice CT. Calcifications indicate late-stage subclinical coronary atherosclerosis. The AIM of our study was to assess traditional CVD risk through score charts and CAC in subjects with prediabetes (preDM) and to evaluate whether any correlation exists between the two. After diagnosing preDM with an oral glucose tolerance test and HbA1c, ECG, lipids, body mass index and blood pressure measurements were performed. Subjects were evaluated for CVD risk through Score charts. Thereafter, all subjects were appointed for multi-slice CT to obtain the CAC. A writen consent was obtained from all subjects. Results: 80 subjects with preDM were screened for CVD. CAC score of 0 was present in 35 subjects. Minimal calcifications with a CAC score of 1-AU were present in subjects with preDM. Moderate calcification of 11-100 AU were present in 18 subjects. 12 subjects had significant calcifications with 101-400 AU. Five subjects had a CAC score >400 AU. Evaluation of the Score charts reviled that Score risk below 2% was present in 20 subjects. Score risk of 3-4% was present in 10, 5-9% risk was present in 16 and a score risk of 10-14% was present in 8 subjects. Twenty six subjects with PreDM has a score risk of 15% and more. No significant correlation was found between Score charts and CAC. However, a trend of finding more calcifications in those with a 10% and above Score risk was noted. Conclusion: An approach to CVD risk assessment that combines the traditional Score charts with a more personalized atherosclerosis-imaging model may be appropriate for high risk subjects with pre diabetes.


T.Beljic zivkovic: None.

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