BCAAs are key ingredients of WPs with biomodulatory effects. We recently reported that a highly-concentrated low-dose (10g, 40 Cal) WP pre-meal drink (125 mL) , generated with novel micelle-technology (WP microgel [WPM]) , ingested 15 min ahead of a pizza-meal (622 Cal) , vs placebo (PBO) , reduced the 2h incremental area under the glucose curve (iAUC) by 22%, increased 2h GLP-1 iAUC by 61% and, delayed 1h gastric emptying by 17%, in 26 people with T2D. Here, we analyzed 2h free plasma BCAA trajectories in 25 persons (mean age 62 yrs, HbA1c 7,5%, BMI 29 kg/m2) that completed this single dose study. The pre-meal WPM drink significantly altered the BCAA trajectory vs. PBO (Figure) . For leucine, ΔiAUCWPM vs PBO increased by 267%, with a shorter time to maximum (median ΔTmax [min, max]: -60 [-120,0] min, p<0.0001) , and peak concentration (mean ΔCmax [SD]: 123 [49] umol/L, p<0.0001) . A similar pattern was seen for isoleucine (ΔiAUC +240%, ΔTmax: -60 [-120,0], p<0.0001, ΔCmax: 68 [31], p<0.0001) and valine (ΔiAUC +194%, ΔTmax: -60 [-120, 30], p < 0.0001, ΔCmax: 63 [38], p<0.0001) . We conclude that 10g WPM as a pre-meal drink, induced a rapid plasma increase, and high bioavailibilty, of BCAAs in people with T2D. The rapid BCAA availability might be a likely factor for the metabolic modulatory effects observed with WPM.


I.Neeland: Advisory Panel; Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH, Merck & Co., Inc., Consultant; Nestlé Health Science. B.Ahrén: Speaker's Bureau; Nestlé, Novo Nordisk, Stock/Shareholder; AstraZeneca, Novo Nordisk A/S. J.V.Corthésy: Employee; Nestlé. Y.Grzywinski: None. Z.Magos: Consultant; Nestlé Health Science. M.Von eynatten: Employee; Nestlé Health Science. O.Johansen: Employee; Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH, Nestlé Health Science.


Nestlé Health Science

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