Background: The combination of prediabetes and depressive or anxiety symptoms is known to increase the risk of progression to diabetes. We aimed to assess the effects of vitamin D supplementation on anxiety and depression status among elderly people with prediabetes.

Methods: Participants were randomly assigned to a weekly dose of vitamin D3 of 25,000 IU (n=45) or nothing (n = 45) , in addition to lifestyle measures. The State Trait Anxiety Inventory and the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) tools were used to evaluate anxiety and depression levels, respectively, at baseline, 6 and 12 months.

Results: Participants in the intervention and control group presented comparable baseline characteristics in terms of age (73.± 7.16 vs. 74.03 ± 7.64 years, respectively) , fasting glucose (103.4 ± 12.vs. 102.29 ± 12.82 mg/dl, respectively) and HbA1c values (5.87 ± 0.21 vs. 5.87 ± 0.22 %, respectively) . In the supplemented group, 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations increased significantly at 6 (26.56 ± 8.64 ng/ml) and 12 months (28.71 ± 9.03 ng/ml) compared to baseline (19.98 ± 6.73 ng/ml, p<0.0 for both comparisons) . The mean trait anxiety scores were lower in supplemented individuals than the control group at 6 (38.02 ± 9.03 vs. 43.91 ± 7.18, respectively, p=0.003) and 12 months (32.35 ± 7.77 vs. 44.97 ± 7.78, respectively, p<0.001) . The same pattern was evident for state anxiety scores at 6 (37.± 7.88 vs. 43.20 ± 9.33, p=0.003) and 12 months (32.59 ± 6.45 vs. 44.60 ± 9.53, p<0.001) . Supplemented participants demonstrated lower mean PHQ-9 scores compared with controls at 6 (15.69 ± 6.15 vs. 19.77 ± 8.96, respectively, p=0.021) and 12 months (13.52 ± 5.vs. 20.20 ± 8.67, respectively, p<0.001) .

Conclusion: In a high-risk population, a weekly vitamin D supplementation scheme was effective in reducing anxiety and depression levels. Further studies are needed to elucidate the relevant mechanisms.


E.Zaromytidou: None. M.Grammatiki: Research Support; Lilly. E.Manthou: None. I.S.Psarrakou: None. I.Iakovou: None. A.Gotzamani: None. K.Kotsa: Advisory Panel; Abbott, Novo Nordisk, Research Support; Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH, Eli Lilly and Company, Speaker's Bureau; AstraZeneca, Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., Novartis AG, Sanofi. T.Koufakis: Advisory Panel; Novo Nordisk, Speaker's Bureau; AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH, Lilly, Novo Nordisk. G.Dimakopoulos: None. D.Drivakou: None. G.Meristoudis: None. S.Konstantinidou: None. G.Karaliolios: None. E.Melidou: None. P.Rakitzi: None.

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