Prior studies have shown that telemedicine (telemed) weight loss interventions are non-inferior to in-person in achieving weight loss. The REAL-HEALTH Diabetes RCT studied the effectiveness of a group lifestyle intervention (LI) for weight loss in adults with T2D and overweight/obesity. Intervention was delivered either in-person (LI-IP) or via telephone (LI-Tele) . We found clinically significant weight loss with no difference between arms. We sought to determine whether there was a difference between the LI-IP and LI-Tele arms in change of psychological and behavioral correlates of weight loss from baseline to 6 months. We compared the change scores for psychological (diabetes-related distress, depression, diet self-efficacy and autonomous motivation for regulation of diet) and behavioral (dietary restraint, fat related diet behavior) measures between the LI-IP (n=69) and LI-Tele (n=72) groups. There was no significant difference between the groups in mean age (62 years) , percent male (44.7%) , race (79.4% white) , baseline HbA1c (7.7%) and baseline BMI (34.7 kg/m2) . At 6 months, scores for all the measures improved from baseline in both arms with no significant difference between LI-IP and LI-Tele (Table 1) , demonstrating that telemed LI was as effective as the in-person intervention at improving psychological and behavioral correlates of weight loss.


J. Vakharia: None. L.M. Delahanty: Advisory Panel; Lilly Diabetes, Omada Health, Inc., WW International, Inc., ZOE Limited. Stock/Shareholder; Jana Care Inc., Omada Health, Inc., ZOE Limited. T. Thaweethai: None. D.J. Wexler: Other Relationship; Elsevier, Novo Nordisk, UpToDate.


T32 DK007028

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